ICT industry in Bulgaria 2020 – 2025f

8 януари 2018 г.

ICT observers for Bulgaria 2018 & 2019 in facts and figures: new exclusive marketing analytical reports

The new exclusive for Bulgaria marketing analytical reports about the development of the ICT in a country will be available in 2q2018 & 3q2018, prepared by the independent analytical agency CBN Pannoff, Stoytcheff & Co. (27 years experience, 250 + customers).

Here are the headlines of the reports:

I Digital society observer for Bulgaria 2014 - 2019 (f) (ready 2q2018)
II ICT hardware market observer for Bulgaria 2014 - 2019 (f) (ready 2q2018)
III ICT industry observer for Bulgaria 2014 - 2019 (f) (ready 3q2018)

The studies will be prepare as a marketing presentation (in English) in MS PPT format with included facts, figures and analysis by the corresponding years.

The reports are specially designed for CEOs, sales managers, consultants, business planning specialists and investors from the IT industry, investment and risk capital funds, banks and Government institutions.

Customers can order agency reports at a preferential package price of 2,700 Euros by the end of February '2018, on advance payment of minimum 50% of the amount.

For detail information and templates of the content of the reports:

Ludmil Stoytcheff
+ 359 887208069

How to order (contract, invoice):

Bisser Pannoff
+ 359 887213069

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